Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crazy Sunday And The Overkill

You know, while  working, there is an overkill, and there is  The  Overkill.

Today I experienced the last one.   Usually, Sundays are  days for lazying away,  but not this time, because my  brother   decided to  exercise  his sadomasochistic   tendencies, and   dragged me out  to sawing and putting away  the logs.

 Urgh.  And ick.

Nine  hours of  working, him  sawing the logs, me   gathering 'em and putting 'em away.   Really,  warmth in winter  months has a  high price, and what's more,  you have to pay it   with  work in  spring,  so to say even before autumn comes.   I don't know what  out neighbors  thought about the whining of the  saw, but    luckily no one  complained... too much.  

Ick, ick, ickitty ick -  I am feeling  dirty from all that sawing  dust and  sweat.  /shudders/.

Good news,  we put away  a little more than a half of the logs, from  that  one  quarter is  already stored, and  the  second   quarter  waits to be  stored -   and   luckily,  my right  wrist   held on through all the  torture I put it through -  seems  the wrist  bonds  are on a  way to mend  from the  incident  from the four  years ago when I broke  my wrist.    There are   small pains still, but nothing that a   good massage  wouldn't get in  order.   Honestly, I am   positively surprised,  because some of those logs were  darned heavy, and  I  was throwing 'em as if  they were boomerangs or  lances.   Brother can  count himself lucky my  aim was far away from him /teasing smirk/, but   last year I  had to throw even heavier logs,  even if not with such a tempo I  had  the  today ones.

Tomorrow, someone will be loco enough to finish the work,   Dunno  if I will participate, but if I will, I'll  at least  try to drag one  another with me -  AKA my  brother. 

Weather today held -  sunny, with almost  summer temperature,   and   if tomorrow will be the same, then  we are in for  a  small hell.

Mom once again did the stupid and went on bending when her spine  is paining her.   I so wish I could have  twisted her ears.... Really.   She should have known better. /sweatdrops/.

The only one  who lazed away  was my father.    Lucky sod.  /snorts/.


Going under shower   to wash away  the ickiness.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

First half done... and multiplying of hypothesis

I am bushed.   The clock is  22.39 now, and  I am bushed.  /doggone tired./

Writing is  a serious business, but  I  didn't  think it was  that kind of a serious business...

I have continued my  work  on thesis  from yesterday and  achieved  the   wanted 20% more  of finished work, but... / tired glare at the smug   results/.... In the  meantime, my   hypothesis  seemed to   multiply like  rabbits.   At the beginning, I had  three  hypothesis to prove, and now, I have six of' em.   I  don't know whether   I will  keep the additional  three,  because that would  demand   very careful juggling of some  specific  questions,  and that just breeds more  questions if that's  even possible in the first place.    If it  will be possible, or better, if I can simplify the method of showing the results, good.  Otherwise, I will have to  bin some results, and that makes me cranky, because  I  god-damned  slaved to edit them in the first place.

Luckily I held off  sending the preliminary paper  with the  harebrained ideas written on  to my mentor,  because  if I had  sent it, without actually supplying the  evidence that this is possible and not  a headache and a  half of migraine in the works, that would have been  a really bad idea.

  The  problem is,   while the   hypotheses are all good and well, if I even overcome the  simplification of results and  find a way to  introduce them without  much confusion,   so many of them are not  good   when  it comes to the  defense of the  thesis  in front of the  professors.  We are already limited  with  time -  10 to 15 minutes, and maybe 20 max to  introduce,  explain  and defend   your brainchild -  well, maybe  5 to 10  for   additional question from the professors' side, and really,  you  gotta have to be in your  best shape, along with your  thesis.

.... Holy shit.   I just realized,   I've been behind the computer for 13 and a half of hour!   Gawd, this thing.... /shudders/.   I  have a music playing   while I work, and  except of small breaks,    it  just cycled through the entire specter of  songs back to the  beginning.... /sweatdrops/  Darn.

Well,   let's go  snooze,  as it's   23.09 now, and   sun  is being evil those days, what with  rising   so  soon.



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drag thru practical work and sunny days

Right now, I am  feeling a little... accomplished?

Wow, what a change.

I am   working on my thesis bit by  bit, and the infernal thing is   charmingly difficult as always -    sometimes I wonder if  I will manage to  get  100 outta 100  from all this mess  over my computer.    The thing is, I am  just too bullheaded to admit I was wrong, and at this point  there  isn't anything else  than to  carry  on, because  otherwise,  I would  chuck the work of two years in a bin.

Right now,  I am  on some  64%  to  finish the  darned thing -  I say  50 % was writing theory, and    today I got  14% of  practical work done, and   tomorrow I will hopefully have   whoppin' 20 %  to get my sorry carcass on the  second stage of this magnificent paperwork of mine.

I  admit,  I am a little proud of my   theory work, but  practice is something I  doubt I will be willing to go   through with once I  finish this one.   Have this week and a next month to finish it if I want to have summer  for myself.  /tired glare/.   If all goes  well, I will  need two additional weeks to  get the things in order to this one, but that is if  I would really kick into the high gear, like I   did today, and believe me,   sitting and writing for... /looks at the clock.../...8 hours total  can be  a bitch and  a half.   Writing isn't problem, but the stuff I am writing about  can be a mite bit unwieldy to  reason with and  really, I sometimes want to  clobber the  whole thing and  be done with it.

Being a   chief  writer,  editor,   beta and all that shit  really makes me wonder if I really want to continue to pursue  the education.  Maybe I would have been better off in  artistic waters, but this  train had already    gone a long time ago.

Good things  here?  Well,   if done well, the  paper will  be a beast to reckon with /evil grin/, and   I am aiming to   get the  thing on the  plate  reserved for Master Degree.  That  means  it  would have to be extraordinary  in and of itself.  But this  is like   climbing on Mt Everest -  very hard, very very hard... but doable. And...  huff...  I am more than a  halfway here, so  let's get'em, tigers!

My  artistic writing screeched on   an abrupt  halt, but that doesn't  mean I don't  have ideas  coming   through the crazy  pathways of my brain.   My last hare-brained plotdragon apparently adores  the pairing of   Emiya  Shirou and  Kotomine Kirei /chokes on air/.    I don't know why .   actually, I do know, but I am in   denial.   Darn artists for  making such cute little  pictures of the pair.

Breaking Rules

As it is,   my  mind is practically whimpering with ideas to write out  the  lil' tidbit of story. /large puppy dog eyes at the   picture./  Yeah,  I know that I have  a  shitload of stories already, and    prompts too and  everything,  but   my plotdragons are greedy,  and   even if they are enemies...


 Oh, and I just noticed that  somehow I managed to  get the   photos in.   Well, not bad  for  a  bead-brained   student that had wrote the  thesis for some 8 hours this day..../ stupefied blink/

Monday, April 22, 2013

RFID and other things

Right, back into the   swing.

Right now  chewing on my  thesis   and fin-fucking-ally  having the  hypotheses  to   go along with it!  It had been  driving me around the bend  before  because  I  didn't have  a  clue   on how to  get them to work, the  hypotheses are   the cornerstones that could make or  break the  entire thing,   and just last week, I am,bushed my mentor,  and we  rehashed them into order.  On that note,  I am thankful   to him for    bearing with me,   because I am not the  easiest    student to  go along with -  I come and I go and  it's nothing unusual   to not hear  a peep from me for  a month or  more.  /sweatdrops/. My bad, yeah.    I still remember the time when I  got  my  professor for  Psychology  into aneurysms with my  working style -   while my schoolmates  were   coming to her  like obedient little  Chocobos, I was somewhere on the side,   staring at them and wondering just  why the fuck are they asking her  this or that.   Funny thing,  she   asked me   if  someone else  had done my  project, because  it  seemed  impossible I got the  highest  count of points available  without having  a mentor hovering over  my shoulder.   Thus, she asked me if I cheated.  I retaliated with  snapping back that I could prove  I  wrote the entire thing by paperwork -  I  could bring the drafts 'n all  for   her perusal if she  doesn't believe me.   Well,   when I got my  diploma, she relented and apologized.  /smirks/  But it still stung  a little -  I know I wasn't  exactly a model student,   and some of my   written works were  woefully sub-par at times /cough-tests-cough/, but   c'mon,  if  I am interested in something,  then I will damn  well do it  right!

On the   writing side -  getting the next  chapter of  Fire And Ice to beta, and    rifling for an oneshot of Weiss Kreuz /HP  I  began to  write.    Damn it, papirology can be such a bitch -   okay, you   get the maximum of  the   creative juices flowing, but  storing the papers is a pain in the ass and  a half sometimes.  Which reminds me,   I will soon renovate  my room -  painting the walls,   scrubbing the carpet and most importantly, get my   paper junk and whatnot in order.   It's about time /grumbles/, I just have to wait  a little to finish the  thesis works.

(Pissed off mum because I    got a veto on the   working outside.  Well, hell... /shrugs/  Needed to be done.)

Oh,   and while we are  at Weiss Kreuz.... a  snippet  from  one of my works.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Madness And F/SN Snippets

I am pissed off.

Well, yes, part of it is   spring madness -  as always, I am one of the  chief workers  around the house  and   garden, which is  making me -  right now -  pissed off because my  brother is   cozying himself in his  room,   and not helping  with anything.   I understand he  has  school and   work and such shit, but would it kill him to get out for an hour or two...m or more, and  help around!?

Secondly,  I am pissed  at my parents -    I have had it  with their  'he/she  is at  fault',   while  they try paint  themselves in saint's aureola.  Latest thing  they had  a dispute  -  ahem,  disagreement in,   was   how to plant the trees.  Jaysus  Christ,    can't the two of them  get to  some compromise  like two adult persons?   I dread to think what would happen if they  were left stranded on some  lone island -   because  either they would get love-love back, or  kill each other, what with their 'I-know-better' attitudes.

And they say I am  overdramatising! Helloo?

Yuck.   Live   over  twenty years, and sheesh, lookie at the example of the adult wonders  I have   as a parents.  Yeah, they  are driving me bonkers,  with a capital B as it is.

Got  a notice  for  the operation of cochlear implant -  oh, sorry,   Didn't tell ya  before.    Fact is,  I am  deaf, and the said  operation  should help me  to regain some of my  hearing back -.   Hopefully  enough for me to normally  function  in the  society, because even if  I  am  a student, it's damned   weird to tell  a person who wishes to hire you  that  you have  some   hearing  disability.     It's even weirder  when  you are healthy overall, and   not understanding   a simple speech can automatically debunk some  much-needed cookies for getting the cake, if  ya get the  drift.

I don't know what to think   about it.  I was prepared for the operation in the  autumn last year,   that  time came and went -  without the operation,  of course,   and now  I got the  notice  the operation should be   a go  after the  1st  May this year.     I am pissed because in some  way,   I am  feeling pressed into it -  if nothing else,  it's because   hearing  anywhere it's  a critical weak point   for me  in acquiring the job, and ... well, sheesh,  I am  fairly  brutal person power-wise.   And dealing with outer part of cochlear implant /sweats/.... Me rough.  This frail...  to the extent.  Hopefully it would be  better than I am imaging in my head right now...  I am afraid because I don't know what to expect -  I know   how the operation goes, but the outcome is unpredictable.    It could be  better, or worse -  hopefully it would be better, but  I don't know  what this better is, and that is making me  hesitant, angry and scared.   I am confused.   I know I   should  have felt  happy,. because  there will be zero expenses  from my side, as   all of it would be paid via insurance (the operation is a  very  pricey thing, and the  cochlear implant is a story for itself /grimaces/), and I am relieved on that  subject, but.../shrugs/.    Still  scared as fuck.   What if  it won't work?   I  don't have to lose anything, that's true, but...  I don't know.    And then... What if  it  DOES  work?   I am scared of it working, because   I am scared it won't work well enough -  it will work, but not up to  par.     And on the other side, I am scared if it   would work perfectly... what then?   My whole fucking life   would  be in an A-grade overhaul and I don't even know where   should I begin to work in this case.

/THUNK [Head-meets-desk]/  Fuck  it.  I am over-complicating the things again.     Whatever will be will be, as some   old song  says, and  let's hope for the best, even if    it got me in a temporary  tizzy.

Oh, and pissed at father.  Personal reasons,  still a little resentful of the dude,   and  it would   take time  before  I would  solve this   Gordian knot, but   what the hell, time is all I have.  Unless  my beloved  family  gets he   into some of their shenanigans.... /growls/

Anyway,   Among The Hawks And Doves   is    under MHB's mercy right now,   have to finish   an one-shot  from Rosario+ Vampire,   still having a stare-down with the  thing called  thesis /growls again/, and  having Crimson Sagittarius and  Fire And Ice in works.  

Meanwhile,  some other  tidbits from Fate/Stay Night  fanfic I am working on... Enjoy!