Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Miffed, pissy and gumpy. Satisfied?

Right now, I am feeling in a tailspin, and  being pretty much miffed about it,  to the point of feeling aggravated  to the n-th degree,  and I really wanna howl  because  of it.  I feel  confined,  having no job and no work -  wait,  work I can find, but job... /grumpy face/.  The  unemployment is getting to me, and with mum biting my head off sometimes,  I am not a happy camper about it.  I want to do something. I NEED to do something before I burst.   Doesn't help there's also that damned SOPA 2014 on the strike, and  we still need some 6.400 signatures to get to the threshold!

Today I looked up the  possible study choices -  I am toying with the thought of picking up my previous study,  or  continuing the recently  finished one,   but   to my disgruntlement, I can't find in myself to get  serious about them, either becasue they  are too hard or  too confusing.   I am leaning on  continuing the  finished study, because it's shorter and I already have a background,  'sides it's near my home.   I am  a little bit wary of picking up the former  study, firstly becasue it's away from home and secondly, I know myself only too well -  not  having liking for  language and it's grammatical nuances.  Bitch, please,  I  can learn, but  I have some notable exceptions -  Old Slavic Language is one of them, because this   language is dead as  dead can be, and  I  so don NOT want to  have my  brains zombfied  for  a year  before  the  exam and so on and so forth.  Gimme French any day, thank you.   And while we are at French, oh glory of all glories,  mum finally did her homework without me!  /relieved sigh/.

 But back to me and my snit. I am feelin' snitty. Now it's a little bit easier, but   in the morning I snapped at my mum when she brought me possible contact for a job -  in my  defense, I was eating at the time, and  she  came in  just in the middle of my chow time. What pissed me off was that  she continued  even if she  saw me  eating.  (true, I was reading alongside, but  that isn't the crime, as far as I know, and I sorely  despise when someone  interrupts my read-chow time.) Back before   the snit, I was pissed off becasue a)  I found a  small mountain of a freshly laundered  clothes to hang,  which is ....  somehow my duty,  and b) the two berks who shall remain nameless for  the sake of democracy,   left their  dirty dishes in the  sink  ... for me to wash. Not a happy morning for me, if I have to  do mundane tasks even before my breakfast. Okay,  laundry I understand, because  we just repaired the washing machine, so the increase is understandable,   but  I am a mite bit pissed off  that  the two don't  wash the dishes they use after  themselves.   Noo, nope,  not in a million years, since  I and mum  got that  unwritten and unspoken agreement that I am an unofficial dishwasher in the house.  Hello? Gawd,  it's tedious,   and I  can't   help but admire her for  the sheer tenacity  of doing this 50+ years, and being grumpy that we still don't have  dishwashing machine to do the deed. if there's a machine which we use for washing the clothes, it boggles my mind that we don't  use  a machine that would wash the dishes and  spare us the pissing around the subject of  dishwashing once and for all. We would spare time, heating up the water -  well,  electricity and  water would be a collateral here, but still,  the  good would probably outweigh the bad. Probably. /skeptic glance/.

Good news -  this month I am absolved from paying the health bills :), so that's a plus.  Still, the sooner I find  a stable job, the better.   That means getting off of my behind, wagging my proverbial tail at prospective  employers and hoping  that I would be interesting enough  for them to employ me. Really, all this cheer is practically killing me /miserable groan/. And am not feeling charitable right now. Right,  shutting up now.

Have to do something productive.