Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Oww owww owwww...

My freaking ribs hurt!

When I got into that  kind of commitment, I didn't  expect that my ribs would be the ones to pay the price, so to speak.

Behind me,   I have  two days of  exercise I self-prescribed to myself. And  what do you know,  it works.  Somehow -  just not in the sense  I imagined it would -  well,  this last one is a lie, I knew perfectly well what I was heading myself into  when I  chose those two, but  still, no amount of knowledge  prepares you for the pain that follows.

I began with Hip Hop Abs, and I am in a reasonably good shape.  So  the next morning, when I began with Tibetan exercises,   I was unpleasantly surprised that my core muscles outright rebelled  when I was holding the 'candle' position.   Urgh.

So today, I was understandably apprehensive,  if the core would rebel again -  I  did get my body through HHA last evening, but to my surprise, this time the  pain culprit wasn't the core, but the ribs -  or, if you are die-hard Latin geek, serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi.  Those two are uncomfortably sore, but on the other  side, my posture is  a little bit  better.

I have to admit, I dread the evening this  time, because it will be Ab Sculpt part of the  HHA,  and I know for a fact  my stomach muscles will be crying for mercy  -  if not  today, then tomorrow. Well, I will have to deal with it when it comes, so no point in dithering. 


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