Wednesday, July 10, 2013

CPU Troubles With Firefox Resolved!

I had a very exciting day, or better, night.

Last night,   I wanted to   watch  anime, Uta no Prince-sama!   via  internet, but  I was appalled to find out that percentage of CPU of my  laptop  jumped up  to shameless 100%, meaning my   lappy  froze, and no  ands, ifs and buts made him budge  either forward, backward or sideways.

When   I  had  searched for the fix on the  internet -  I  have Firefox as my primary browser -   I tried   watching  on my secondary one, but   no  dice /sour face/, I found out that most of the users  complained about   Firefox hoarding the CPU,  along with the  Adobe plugin -  can't   remember the name  right now but- not   important -  and  it made my  ire go through the roof at the thought of me not  having the access to colorful little anime -  what can I say,  I  can be ADD  -  inclined /sheepish/.

So,   because I was  grumpy enough,  I thought about   trying to   get access  through the Safe  Mode  of the OS.   For all who are interested,  I have Win7  OS,  secured with   with  ZA as protection.  I initialized  Safe Mode and  holy  hell, it worked!

What is Safe Mode?   In layman's terms, it's your OS, only whittled down to the bare essentials, and no  fancy-schmancy  programs you've probably loaded on  later.   You still can use   the said  fancy-schmancy programs,  the only difference is,   they will be  intialized  only when you click their icon.    For experts, Safe Mode is also  a playground -  or some kind of a virtual  sandbox where they can tweak and test the   programs to their  little  hearts' content without damaging the  OS (... Much. I think...).  

Now,  for some   finds and  warnings.  As I said, the programs  only initialize if  you   click the icon.   So, when you want to  go  on the net, it's  like with sex.... Safety  First.   I am not kidding.    I  engaged my ZA, and   CPU was shockingly low, so I was one pretty happy camper.    Your  beloved browser will be  intact, so  don't worry about that.   I had my add-ons -  AdBlock  duo and Ghostery -   engaged,  still no problemos.   Was a marginally happier camper than before.   And then,  I tested the  site Animeseason -   was the first one with the  anime, so I didn't exactly bother with  any other.   And lo, and behold,   the thing worked  smoothly as a silk!  I was one ecstatic   camper right then and there. Bonus points, no  big  amps up in CPU,  however, I didn't engage any  other programs, so I don't exactly know  how would   computer or laptop behave  if  any other programs would be active.   As for CPU,  it  was  as low as 2 %  up to  40%..... I think, but there was no  jet-lagging in the  pictures or  freezing frames.     I went through some six or  seven  episodes, just to be sure -  they work like  Youtube, so you can stop,  forward, backward  as much your  lil' heart wants -  I only had to stop because my  lappy  was   overheating  -  have  HP G62, which is naturally a little  prone to overheating, and it didn't help I tortured it through the day via  different  data /sheepish/ (That means  almost 16 hours of torture, give or take some, even if  I did help it with cooler pad and  some  cooling  bags wrapped in textile.  Crude,  but it does take some heat off...doesn't help my   room  is one of the hotspot int he house   in the summer, what with the position /sweatdrops/

Now, onto the warnings. If you perchance  don't have the original  copy of   Microsoft Office,  then, for  all that's holy, DON'T  open it!  I mean it.   When  I tried to use my  Word  program, the first thing the berk  had done, was to ask for the activation of the program, even if  my version was already activated! /fumes silently/.   So, if you  despise   entering the activation codes of  dubious origin, you can either use Office Toolkit to  get it fixed back, or -  and it's simpler -  Leave It Alone  until you   finish with watching the  videos in question and   go  back to  Normal  Mode.   I also noticed that  I didn't have  sound, and I don't know why   was that yet, because  Normal Mode,   I have sound /confused/,  but I will  look  it up and try to resolve it.   I didn't exactly work through any other  programs -  well,   Word pad was a notable exception, because I needed it and it worked as it should have,  no problems noted.   As for other programs, you will have to find out   for yourselves.

Well, that's it.   I did fool around with tweaking   Firefox (before founding the described solution, even   changing some  of its core programming),   but  looking back, it wasn't necessary;  however, I did  have  the  Firefox  for  a year  already and   I had  accumulated some   useless  tidbits on -  mostly favorite sites and so on, so  I uninstalled it,  and  then installed the new version.    A word -  if you  do want to reinstall Firefox,   and want  your favorite  websites and  bookmarks intact,  make a copy, which you can then  transfer to new version of Firefox.

Whew.   Our forefathers did have it right - the  best solutions  are  simple.    So instead of  having a hissy fit over   Firefox or  Adobe  add-on having their  merry way  with  CPU in Normal Mode,  try and  switch to  Safe Mode -  CPU  is lowered significantly, which means less chance of freezing laptop or  computer.

So... what else could I say?  Happy  hunting!


Edit -  10. 7 2013;    The site for animes is  Animeseason.  Animefreak  just bulldozes through 7sweatdrops/ no brakes, seriously. 

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