Monday, January 4, 2016

stickK To It - 1st New Years Resolution

Alright, enough is enough.

Today, I  weighed myself and to my horrified fascination, my  weight had upended from all those  holiday puddings, biscuits and whatnot.  In fact,  both me and my  mum were appaled with our weight, and of course, she wanted a regime.

As for myself, I  made a plan, both  in paperback and electronic format, and  I intend to stickK to it.   Pun intended? You betcha.

To  put it bluntly, I  am overweight.  Didn't help that I underwent another operation -  this time  for chest -  and my exercise regimen  at the time was rudely interrupted and later on, I've  had many  laziness to excuse me from  getting down and  dirty, so to speak.

But this year, I intend to  change that for the better.   My plan, in short is -

 -  change eating habits,  so less sweets and cereal-based foods, more veggies and fishies along with meat in,

 - more water and unsweetened  drinks -  I am drinking way  too little for my comfort

 - exercise daily,  so my resolution is sticking to Hip Hop Abs, and  finally  finishing the  dratted program in one go. Last time, I stopped at the  third week, this time, I wanna  end it.  Amen.

 -  and exercise some more, whether  by walking  furball, doing the work around the house or anything else.

So I found the platform on the 'net,  basically that gives you support base, while  holding you up to your goal.  If you are sticking to it,  then one of the  things that can make you better, is stickK, because  there can be monetary  punishments if you fail the  project -  the thing is, monetary punishments you yourself piled  by the way on laziness.   I am doing this without the money added in, but I do have a money punishment  set on myself -  for each abandoned session,  there goes 5 euros.  It doesn't seem much, but for me, it's a good incentive to get off of my butt and get movin' like my life depends on it. My  moneybag certainly does!

This is my year long project, and hopefully  when the year turns around, I will be healthier, fitter and overall have more energy.

My worry is how in the freaking hell I will get all I intend to do in 24 hours I have allotted in the day, but as said, procrastination will have to go, one way or another. I intend to add the resolutions one after another, so I will have time to get to everything  I  deem important at the time.

On the writing side -  I  ceased waiting on beta. Yes, it rankles me something fierce that  she  hadn't sent me the corrected doc back when I requested, but  it can't be helped.  On the other side, another beta in waiting, but I am skeptical of that one, because  their review was not spelling-correct, though  their grammar  and spelling in their own works was good. I will have to inquire on why's that. As it is, Among The Hawks And Doves is one, I still have to  edit it for AO3, along with  uploading last three chapters for Who We Are on the same site. Hopefully  they  solved the trouble with separators.

I will have to get out the replacement keyboard for the longer typing  as that  darned key  I chipped off is  chipped off and if I press on the key the wrong way, it's chipped off again! I would glue it back with the hot glue, but  I worry what would happen to electronics then. So,   replacement keyboard.  I am peeved as the keyboard clicks a lot,  so I will have to see what I can do  in regards to that,  but otherwise... well, don't forget the batteries /wry/. 

It seem this will be the motto of this year...

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