Wednesday, February 1, 2017

About idiots really wanting to be idiots

This morning, I've received a review that was really disparaging to my writing skills.

Let's see:
Read a few chapters and this is my final impression: Promising but ultimately bland. Sena is in the early stages of becoming a gary stu and the narrative themes (or lack thereof) demonstrate a lack of substance. Writing is a difficult process, so props for investing the time and effort either way.
I am amazed that this person dared to practically spit on my work -  nay, dared to sound so intelligent, while when I went to look at their profile, not even racking up the reviews and viewers, and then still saying  the above mentioned opinion like they were the alpha and omega of how should the stories be written.  The last sentence especially drove me up the wall -  Writing is a difficult process, so props for investing the time and effort either way. 

Really? I mean, really? I am on the writing scene 10 years, give or take some.  Path of Grace is one of my earliest works, so it's a given it's  a little bit awkward,  narrative-speaking. But I object to the person's description of Sena as Gary Stu.

It's understandable, what with me giving Sena amnesia,  and getting him a little bit more self-confident along with a strong interest in running first and foremost.  But he is not a top dog.  He still has trouble with Hiruma and he's still oh so very awkward with people around him.  If there was really something that pissed me off in the manga version, was the protagonist's  incessant shrieking and scaredy-cat manners. Some time ago, yes, they were cute.  But through all the series, no. Thus the birth of this story.

About the intrepid reviewer who got the dubious honor of pissing me off. I could go to their writing site and really lambast them. Their review gave me a bad taste in my mouth because it was disrespectful, and what was more, discourteous way of treating me as a person and a writer.  I fear for people who may also have the misfortune of gathering the said person's disinterest thus prompting such reviews. That kind of reviewer is not needed nor wanted, because they unintentionally crush other people with their holier-than-thou's attitude. I am just grateful that  my readers and reviewers had bolstered my sense of writing worth way before I had the dubious honor of reading this little piece drivel that arrived into my mail box today.

 But dogs bark while caravan moves on. Miss or Mister Vandenberg, thank you for your illustrious opinion, however in the sum of everything, it means nothing to me. I enjoy writing and I will damn well make a career out of it. What will you do with your life,  it's your own business, but thanks for teaching me what kind of reviewer I definitely DON'T want to be.

Case closed,


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